Grade 1-8

Click here to see the school boundary map.

Registration for the 2025-2026 school year opens on Monday, March 3, 2025.

If you are new student or previous student returning to Red Deer Catholic Regional Schools:

New Users: Create a new account in SchoolEngage. After creating a SchoolEngage account, login to SchoolEngage, create the student and navigate to the 2025-2026 New Student Registration Form - Grades 1-12. 

Previous or returning to Red Deer Catholic Regional Schools: Navigate to SchoolEngage and log in. If you do not remember your login credentials, use the forgot password link.

If needed, please refer to the instructions provided on the Parent Guide.

Please have a copy of your child's birth certificate, legal and immigration documentation for registration.

Once in your School Engage account, add a new student from the dropdown and navigate to the 2025-2026 New Student Registration Form - Grades 1-12. If you are still wanting to register a new family member for the current school year, select the 2024-2025 Registration Form.

School Bus Registration

If your child(ren) require school bus service, please register here. Please note that registration is required each school year.

Click here to see the school boundary map.

If you are Catholic and own property:

Please direct your property taxes to the Catholic School Division by filling out the School Support Notice, which is available at the school or municipal/county office.